Getting Start

Environment setting


  • Step 1: Download Composer from HERE

Initalize a new project

Approach 1:

The documentation can be found at

composer create-project --prefer-dist laravel/laravel projectName

Approach 2:

You can use following instructions to create a Laravel project:

laravel new projectName

creat project use laver method


If you got the truble with the laravel new projectName instruction on Mac System, then you can apply following steps to solve the problem.

  • Step 1: edit '~/.bash_profile' vim ~/.bash_profile
  • Step 2: add export PATH=~/.composer/vendor/bin:$PATH to .bash_profile file
  • Step 3: Reopen the Terminal and excute laravel new projectName instruction again to create the new project.

Preview the result of laravel project

run the following instructions in Termial, then the tool will show the link address.

php artisan serve

Using xampp to preview Laravel project

Mac OS

  • Step 1: install apache on Mac
  • Step 2: download MySQL server dmg file from [HERE ]
  • Step 3: edit .bash_profile file in user's home folder vim ~/.bash_profile then add export PATH="/usr/local/mysql/bin:$PATH" setting into the file.
  • Step 4: use source ~/.bash_profile to apply the settings.
  • Step 5: Set root's password of MySQL
    • Step 5.1: run sudo mysql start to start mysql server
    • Step 5.2: login to mysql server with mysql -u root instruction in terminal. Note: the default password of root is blank (i.e. no password)
    • Step 5.3: exit mysql after stting root password
  • Step 6: create a database for your Laravel project
    • Step 6.1: login mysql server using root with instruction mysql -u root -p
  • Step 7: Download MySQL workbench and install it on Mac
  • Step 8: manage database by using MySQL workbench

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